Life’s too short for heavy tack! Riders can take to the trails with ease in this durable and versatile saddle- a saddle so light, tacking-up is simply a breeze! Allow their personality to shine through wherever they dare to ride with a fun selection of cantles they can change or personalise to suit their mood. Their leg will easily find a natural groove and their contact and communication will become effortless. As for their horse, they will enjoy the super-soft panels which mould in and around their muscles, hugging their unique conformation whether training or competing in any discipline.
Half the weight & double the Fun!
The new WintecLite saddles: less than half the weight of a traditional leather saddle, and with the option to customise the saddle’s cantle.
Ideal for pleasure riding or participating in multiple disciplines, an extremely comfortable and lightweight All Purpose saddle, featuring a uniquely customisable cantle. Hi-tech materials and performance features ensure superior horse and rider comfort.
Argy's Art is a family business founded by Argyris Mpourntenas in 1985. It manufactures handmade leather saddles and riding equipment.
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