


More details

Electrical fencing energizer for small and medium-sized fencing. It is suitable mainly for pets or domestic animals and poultry.


The energizer box is made of black plastic. The lid secures by pulling the handle upwards. To open, push the handle down, opening the sides outwards. Screwed by hand. Under the lid there is space for placing a battery with dimensions up to 185mm x 129mm x 164mm. On the front panel is the ON / OFF switch and the sockets for the connection cables to the fence and ground, where the terminals are fastened with plastic screws. There is also an LED lamp that flashes with each pulse.

Installation and operation

The PF 300 is designed to run on a 12V rechargeable battery. With a well-charged battery (voltage 13.2V) displays a voltage of about 12,000V at the output. It can, however, operate on a 9V battery at a lower intensity, delivering a lower output voltage with a lower pulse rate.


In operation with a 12V rechargeable battery it consumes only 34mA which gives the energizer autonomy of about 1 month with a 12V 26Ah battery. In operation with a disposable battery 9V consumes 24mA which gives autonomy of 5 months with a 130Ah battery and over 7 months with an alkaline battery 170Ah.

Suggested combinations

Combine the energizer with disposable batteries. A battery with a capacity of 55Ah gives autonomy of more than 2 months while with 130Ah we can have more than 5 months of continuous use. For optimal operation, long-term economy and as a more ecological solution, we recommend a rechargeable 12V 12Ah / 18Ah lead battery. With a small 5W-10W photovoltaic panel and the appropriate charge regulator we can make a fully autonomous system.


The package includes galvanized ground 35cm. Place the ground on soil with sufficient moisture and immerse the whole in the ground.

Package Contents

The energizer comes in a white cardboard box that includes:

Energizer PF 300

Electrical fencing connection cable (rope, wire or tape)

Grounding 35cm

Instructions manual

Output0.26 J
High Vegitation800m
Medium Vegitation3Km
Low Vegitation2Km

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